Blank Firing Pistols Rifles Sights Extras Other BB stuff
build_table($this_store,array('mod88b','mod9mm')); ?> Voltran Mod. 88 blank firing replica guns of Voltran Firm are made of alloy. It looks and feels exactly like the original gun. These blank firers are available in both black and chrome versions. The only difference between these two guns is the colour. All other technical specifications are identical. Major Mod. 88 with its weight and size is quite a small pistol and suitable for those who are carry handbag and a specially for women is most useful. Because of its medium weight is easy to carry. Its shake is less than other pistols. Safety of this pistol is dependable. If the safety is on, by the pressing to trigger, hammer may come down but it will not fire. This is the main difference of mod 88 semi automatic pistols. This is the pistol that easily can be settle down and take off. Voltran Model blank firing replica gun, made of alloy the gun has the look and feel of the original gun
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build_table($this_store,array('mod99b','mod9mm')); ?> Mod. 99 blank firing replica guns of Voltran Firm are made of alloy. It looks and feels like original guns. These productions are available in both black and Chrome versions. The only differences between these two guns is the
colour. All other technical specifications are similar.
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build_table($this_store,array('mod20b','mod9mm')); ?> Mod. 2000 Blow Magnum, by the its view looks different from other pistols. It is the biggest product of Voltran Firm. Using of it is most practice according to normal pistols. It has large round and fire fast as you can fire fast. Its magazine canbe settle down and taken off easly. With the complete shooting, mechanism is stops behind. By the pushing mechanism lock it will turn its normal position. If you settle down new and full magazine again, by the pushing mechanism lock will load automatically. Its grips wraps around the gun in one piece and can be hold by one hand easily.
build_table($this_store,array('mod20c','mod9mm')); ?>
air rifle and air pistol TELEPHONE ORDERS 0870 7707520FAX ORDERS 01273 491813Unit D Henfield Business Park Shoreham Road Henfield Sussex BN5 9SL