Blank Firing Pistols Rifles Sights Extras Other BB stuff
Soft Air Replica sub Machine and security forces guns
New model M40 1/1 rifle, powerful BB! Good quality, fold out stock, bolt action, holds lots of BB's! New model Heckler and Koch P9 pistol, high power with slide in cartridge holding many BB's. build_table($this_store,array('bbm40','bbpistol')); ?> British Army SA80 Exact copy of this famous weapon, full size with 25 round magazine and working safety catch. Fitted with a blade element SUSAT sight. build_table($this_store,array('saf202b')); ?>
H and K The famous Heckler and Kocks sub machine pistols with fearsome fire power, much favoured by security forces including our own SAS build_table($this_store,array('sa312')); ?> UZI sub machine gun with extending shoulder stock, 25 round magazine and 100 round magazine build_table($this_store,array('saf201')); ?>
GLOCK pistol popular with many police forces and law enforcement agencies around the world. 12 shot magazine 610grm build_table($this_store,array('saf117b')); ?>
M16 assault rifle, standard issue to many armed forces around the world build_table($this_store,array('saf205')); ?>
Model 5830 Sound Blaster Target suitable for the above pistol
air rifle and air pistol TELEPHONE ORDERS 0870 7707520FAX ORDERS 01273 491813Unit D Henfield Business Park Shoreham Road Henfield Sussex BN5 9SL